app1 ==== No security; users can both show and delete any blog entry. Features: [1] Show and delete views stubbed out for purposes of brevity. Noteworthy: - When you visit /blog/id it will invoke the "show" view. - When you visit /blog/id/delete it will invoke the "delete" view. app2 ==== Basic security; only authenticated users can delete blog entries. all others can view blog entries. New features: [4] Wiring up login and logout views into config. [2] Login view to service authorization checks. Just a stub, a real app would require password checking. [3] Logout view to forget login credentials. [1] Imperative authorization code to check whether a logged in user can delete Noteworthy: - No frameworky bits, it's all your code. - Imperative code to check whether a logged in user can delete must be repeated everywhere to be useful. - Married to cookie-based authentication throughout codebase (everywhere: [1], [2], and [3]). A change to the authentication mechanism implies visiting each place the imperative security checking is done. - Authentication is "who you are". Authorization is "what you can do". In this application, authentication and authorization are intertwined. - While authorization typically depends on authentication, authentication is almost always logically independent of authorization. Our application does not take this into consideration, however. It has no abstractions that would allow them to be changed independently. - Curiosity: httpexceptions can either be raised or returned. Typically you raise if you want the work done in the current transaction to be rolled back. We raise HTTPForbidden above, but return HTTPFound, for this notional reason. app3 ==== Same thing as Basic security; only authenticated users can delete blog entries and all others can view blog entries. New features: [3] We wire the authentication and authorization policies into config via the Configurator. [1] A user-defined Pyramid authentication policy. It implements the notional Pyramid authentication policy API (IAuthenticationPolicy). [2] A user-defined Pyramid authorization policy. It implements the notional Pyramid authorization policy API (IAuthorizationPolicy). [4] A "permission" argument to the ``view_config`` of blogentry_delete replaces imperative authorization code that used to live in method body. [5] We use ```` instead of setting a cookie by hand in the login view. [6] We use ```` instead of removing a cookie by hand in the logout view. Noteworthy: - The new authentication policy [1] uses the same cookie-based authentication scheme that we used in We've just moved the code. In the login view [5], we set the cookie via ``remember``, which calls our authentication policy's ``remember`` method. Our ``logout`` method in [6] causes our authentication policy's ``forget`` method to be called, which expires the cookie. - The ``permission`` attached to our ``delete`` method [4] will be the ``permission`` value passed to the ``permits`` method of our authorization policy [2] before Pyramid attempts to execute the ``blogentry_delete`` view. . ``permission='delete'`` means "allow execution of this view if the user who causes its invocation is permitted to delete"; it's the authorization policy's job to answer this question. - Our new authorization policy [2] performs very basic security checking using the principals output by our authentication policy [1]. The return value of ``effective_principals`` of our authentication policy [1] is the ``principals`` value passed to the ``permits`` method of our authorization policy [2]. - Our new authorization policy [2] ``permits`` method checks if the principal named ``Authenticated`` is in the ``principals`` passed and allows the action if the permission under consideration is ``delete``. - Authentication policy completely divorced from application code. Changing to, e.g. session-based authentication or Basic HTTP Authentication would require changing the authentication_policy argument in [3] to use a different implementation, but app code would be otherwise unchanged. - Pyramid is now made responsible for allowing or permitting the execution of the ``delete`` view [4] instead of us. Authorization is normalized via the ``permission`` attached to the view via the ``view_config`` decorator. - If our authorization policy's ``permits`` method returns False, Pyramid returns a 403 Forbidden error by default (configurable via a "forbidden view"). - Definitely more frameworky. You couldn't successfully hand this code off to someone who was unwilling to learn about Pyramid security. Trade-offs are rampant when you outsource behavior to framework code. Extra: - ``permission`` is not a "view predicate". Two view configurations with different permission arguments but otherwise the same will conflict. - Show PYRAMID_DEBUG_AUTHORIZATION app4 ==== Exactly the same as except we ditch our authorization policy for one provided by Pyramid. New features: [1] We use AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy instead of our homebrewed DumbAuthenticationPolicy. Noteworthy: - AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy used in [1] is offered by Pyramid. It implements the authentication policy API just like our homebrewed one did, except it uses an Apache ``mod_auth_tkt`` "authentication ticket" stored in a cookie. Nominally it's more secure as a result, but the real win lies more in needing to maintain less security code. It's typically a good idea to use a built-in authentication policy unless you need the control. - Pyramid has several built in authentication policies: AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy, SessionAuthenticationPolicy, BasicAuthenticationPolicy, RemoteUserAuthenticationPolicy. - If your clients don't authenticate in a single way, you can combine existing authentication policies using the ``pyramid_multiauth`` package. For example, web service clients need basic authentication but other clients need cookie-based auth. - We continue to use our DumbAuthorizationPolicy unchanged. Authentication and authorization policies are independent. If written correctly, an authentication policy can be swapped for another implementation as necessary without needing to change the application's authorization policy. Likewise, an authorization policy can be swapped for another without needing to change the authentication policy. app5 ==== Exactly the same as,, and Basic security; only authenticated users can delete blog entries. all others can view blog entries. New features: [1] We use Pyramid's ACLAuthorizationPolicy instead of our homebrewed DumbAuthorizationPolicy. We now pass a "root factory" into our configurator. Our ACLAuthorizationPolicy will use instances of objects produced by this root factory to determine whether or not someone is permitted to execute a view. [2] We supply a "RootFactory" class. Instances of this class possess an ACL (as ``__acl__``). ACL stands for "Access Control List". Noteworthy: - This step is typically where people's brains start to steam. It's because we've added yet another layer of abstraction by using the ACLAuthorizationPolicy. This abstraction requires us to understand this "root factory" thing and what the policy does with the "root" it produces. - The root object produced by the root factory is a "resource". You can think of a resource as a security context. It's called "root" because it's presumed that there will be some number of resources arranged in a tree with the object produced by the root factory at the root of the resource tree. In the above application the root object has no children, so it's the *only* resource that the system ever sees when the application is run. More complex authorization requirements can make use of children. - Every authorization policy is passed a *context* argument to its ``permits`` method. This argument will be a resource. Our DumbAuthorizationPolicy ignored this argument. The ACLAuthorizationPolicy does not; it uses the values in the ``__acl__`` attribute of the resource its passed to determine whether the user possesses the permission relative to this view execution. - An ACL is an access control list. It is a sequence of ACEs (access control entries). ``(Allow, Authenticated, 'edit')`` means Allow people who possess the Authenticated principal (you can think of it as a group) to edit. Only users who are explicitly allowed a permission in an ACL (by mention of their userid or any group they're in such as "Authenticated") will be permitted to execute a view protected by that permission. - The benefit of all this indirection: we no longer own any imperative code which does authorization or authentication. Our application uses entirely declarative stuff to protect view execution. We only add ACLs and permissions, and we have no conditions in our code. Declarative code requires less testing, and you can typically be surer of the result as long as you understand the abstraction. app6 ==== Not the same anymore. Only 'fred' can delete blog entries. New features: [1] We changed our ACL to allow only the principal id 'fred' to delete blog entries. No longer an any authenticated principal delete blog entries. Noteworthy: - "Principal" means "userid" or "groupid". It's just a string, typically (although it can be any basic Python type). app7 ==== New outcome: Fred can delete all blog entries. Additionally, any authenticated user can delete blog entry named '1'. New features: [1] A Resource class. It defines a __getitem__ that allows Pyramid to ask it for a child. Instances of Resource also get a __parent__ attribute which point at the parent of a resource (another Resource). Resource instances may also have an ``__acl__``. [2] We use a function named root_factory to return the root object, which is a Resource instance. Before we return the root object, we give it a single child named '1'. [3] We've added a ``traverse`` argument to the ``add_route`` call for the ``blogentry_delete`` route. This argument composes the security traversal path for this view. It uses the same pattern language as the route pattern, so if the URL is ``/blog/1/delete``, the traversal path will be ``/1``. Noteworthy: - We did not change our view code at all. The changes we made were made to the root factory and to the route associated ``blogentry_delete``. - Since we now have formed a security tree by returning an object that has children from the root factory, and since the ``blogentry_delete`` route now traverses the tree when it is matched, we can now protect individual URLs differently from each other. - In the above application, ``/blog/1/delete`` can be executed by an authenticated user, but ``/blog/2/delete`` cannot. This is because the effective ACL will allow the Authenticated user to delete as the result of traversing to ``/1`` because there is such a node in the tree, but there isn't any node in the security tree for ``/2`` so the root ACL is the only ACL consulted. This is often referred to as "object level security", and is often a requirement for CMS-like systems. - The ACLAuthorizationPolicy *inherits* ACLs from further down the tree unless an explicit Deny is encountered. This means that, since the root resource has an __acl__ that says "Allow fred to delete", fred will have the delete permission "everywhere" in the tree. Unless fred (or another principal possesed by the requesting user) is explicitly denied in an ACL somewhere. - FYI, circref formed but not cleaned up when Resource instances are created (a resource points to its parent using ``__parent__`` and the parent points at its children via the ``children`` dictionary). - Note that in a real application, the resource tree would typically be persisted somewhere (maybe in a database, or in a pickle), and not recomposed on every request.